
Articles describing the SageManifolds project:

  • E. Gourgoulhon & M. Mancini : Symbolic tensor calculus on manifolds: a SageMath implementation, lectures at JNCF 2018, Les cours du CIRM 6, I (2018) [publisher] [arXiv preprint]
  • E. Gourgoulhon, M. Bejger & M. Mancini: Tensor calculus with open-source software: the SageManifolds project, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 600, 012002 (2015) [publisher] [arXiv preprint]
  • J. Bicak & J. Tafel: Exact solutions and their interpretation - session A1, General Relativity and Gravitation 46, 1685 (2014) [publisher] [arXiv preprint]
  • M. A. H. MacCallum: Computer algebra in gravity research, Living Reviews in Relativity 21, 6 (2018) [publisher]

Articles involving SageMath computations with tools developed through the SageManifolds project:

  • O. Minazzoli & M. Wavasseur: Compact objects with scalar charge imbedded in a magnetic or electric field in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theories, preprint (2025) [arXiv:2502.13829]
  • O. Castillo-Felisola, B. Grez, M. Morocho-López, J. Perdiguero, A. Skirzewski, J. Vaca & N. Zambra-Gómez: A polynomial affine model of gravity: after ten years, preprint (2024) [arXiv:2412.21122]
  • O. Minazzoli & M. Wavasseur: Schwarzschild black-hole immersed in uniform electric or magnetic backgrounds in Entangled Relativity, preprint (2024) [arXiv:2407.17846]
  • O. Castillo-Felisola, B. Grez, G. J. Olmo, O. Orellana & J. Perdiguero Gárate Cosmological solutions in polynomial affine gravity with torsion, European Physical Journal C 84, 900 (2024) [publisher] [arXiv:2404.11703]
  • K. Kostaros, P. Papadopoulos & G. Pappas: Fractal signatures of non-Kerr spacetimes in the shadow of light-ring bifurcations, Physical Review D 110, 024001 (2024) [publisher] [arXiv:2405.09653]
  • R. Gaur & M. Visser: Black holes embedded in FLRW cosmologies, preprint (2023) [arXiv:2308.07374]
  • J. Borthwick, E. Gourgoulhon & J.-P. Nicolas: Peeling at extreme black hole horizons, preprint (2023) [arXiv:2303.14574]
  • G. Pascu: On some foundational aspects of teaching differential geometry and general relativity with sagemath, AIP Conference Proceedings 2843, 050010 (2023) [publisher]
  • N. Shriethar & N. Rajendran: Interacting cosmic strings and Dark matter-For the case of missing stars, preprint (2023) [arXiv:2303.11955]
  • A. Aceña, B. Cardin Guntsche & I. Gentile de Austria: No-go theorem for static configurations of two charged dusts, preprint (2023) [arXiv:2303.03524]
  • N. Shriethar: Exploring Higher Dimensional Solutions for Conformal Cyclic Cosmology with DeSitter Space via Eternal Inflation, preprint (2023) [arXiv:2303.04638]
  • L. Perot & N. Chamel: Imprint of the Crystallization of Binary White Dwarfs on Gravitational Wave Observations with LISA, Physical Sciences Forum 2023, 7, 3 (2023) [publisher]
  • G. Garcia, E. Gourgoulhon, P. Grandclément & M. Salgado: High precision numerical sequences of rotating hairy black holes, Physical Review D 107, 084047 (2023) [publisher] [arXiv:2302.06659]
  • M.-N. Célérier: Study of stationary rigidly rotating anisotropic cylindrical fluids with new exact interior solutions of GR. IV. Radial pressure, Journal of Mathematical Physics 64, 052502 (2023) [publisher] [arXiv:2208.06899]
  • M.-N. Célérier: Study of stationary rigidly rotating anisotropic cylindrical fluids with new exact interior solutions of GR. II. More about axial pressure, Journal of Mathematical Physics 64, 032501 (2023) [publisher] [arXiv:2208.04570]
  • H. Okawa, K. Fujisawa, N. Yasutake, M. Ogata, Y. Yamamoto & S. Yamada: A novel Lagrangian formulation to construct relativistic rotating stars: towards its application to their evolution calculations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 24 (2023) [publisher] [arXiv:2204.09943]
  • A. Sharma, K. Banerjee & J. Bhattacharyya: Approaching de Sitter spacetimes via a Kerr-Schild relation, Physical Review D 106, 063518 (2022) [publisher] [arXiv:2205.04773]
  • L. Perot & N. Chamel: Tidal deformability of crystallized white dwarfs in full general relativity, Physical Review D 106, 023012 (2022) [publisher]
  • K. Kostaros & G. Pappas: Chaotic photon orbits and shadows of a non-Kerr object described by the Hartle-Thorne spacetime, Classical and Quantum Gravity 39, 134001 (2022) [publisher] [arXiv:2111.09367]
  • A. A. Golubtsova, E. Gourgoulhon & M. K. Usova: Heavy quarks in rotating plasma via holography, Nuclear Physics B 979, 115786 (2022) [publisher] [arXiv:2107.11672]
  • A. Cosgaya & S. Reggiani: Isometry groups of three-dimensional Lie groups, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 61, 831 (2022) [publisher] [arXiv:2105.08924]
  • G. Barbaro: Griffiths positivity for Bismut curvature and its behaviour along Hermitian Curvature Flows, Journal of Geometry and Physics 169, 104323 (2021) [publisher] [arXiv:2102.06637]
  • L. Chantry, F. Dauvergne, Y. Temmam & V. Cayatte: Quasi-isometric embedding of Kerr poloidal submanifolds, Classical and Quantum Gravity 38, 145030 (2021) [publisher] [HAL:03368227]
  • A. Coudray & J.-P. Nicolas: Geometry of Vaidya spacetimes, General Relativity and Gravitation 53, 73 (2021) [publisher] [arXiv:2101.06544]
  • A. Aceña & I. Gentile de Austria: Spherically symmetric linear perturbations of electrically counterpoised dust, Classical and Quantum Gravity 38, 065007 (2021) [publisher] [arXiv:2010.01744]
  • I. Ya. Aref'eva, A. A. Golubtsova & E. Gourgoulhon: Holographic drag force in 5d Kerr-AdS black hole, Journal of High Energy Physics 04(2021), 169 (2021) [publisher] [arXiv:2004.12984]
  • S. Natarajan & R. Chandramohan: Conformal evolution of phantom dominated final stages of the universe in higher dimensions, Canadian Journal of Physics 99, 1 (2021) [publisher]
  • M. Jung: Characteristic Classes in Computer Algebra, Master Thesis, University of Potsdam (2020) [arXiv:2006.13788]
  • L. Brunswic & T. Buchert: Gauss-Bonnet-Chern approach to the averaged Universe, Classical and Quantum Gravity 37, 215022 (2020) [publisher] [arXiv:2002.08336]
  • S. Natarajan & R. Chandramohan: Conformal Cyclic Evolution of the Universe: a Loop Quantum Gravity Perspective, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 59, 3995 (2020) [publisher]
  • K. Van Aelst, E. Gourgoulhon, P. Grandclément & C. Charmousis: Hairy rotating black holes in cubic Galileon theory, Classical and Quantum Gravity 37, 035007 (2020) [publisher] [arXiv:1910.08451]
  • O. Castillo-Felisola, J. Perdiguero, O. Orellana & A. R. Zerwekh: Emergent metric and geodesic analysis in cosmological solutions of (torsion-free) polynomial affine gravity, Classical and Quantum Gravity 37, 075013 (2020) [publisher] [arXiv:1908.06654]
  • E. Gourgoulhon, A. Le Tiec, F. H. Vincent & N. Warburton: Gravitational waves from bodies orbiting the Galactic center black hole and their detectability by LISA, Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, A92 (2019) [publisher] [arXiv:1903.02049]
  • T. Birkandan, C. Güzelgün, E. Şirin & M. Can Uslu : Symbolic and numerical analysis in general relativity with open source computer algebra systems, General Relativity and Gravitation 51, 4 (2019) [publisher] [arXiv:1703.09738]
  • O. Castillo-Felisola: Beyond Einstein: A Polynomial Affine Model of Gravity, in Gravity: Geoscience Applications, Industrial Technology and Quantum Aspect, edited by T. Zouaghi (IntechOpen) (2018) [publisher] [arXiv:1902.09131]
  • O. Castillo-Felisola, J. Perdiguero & O. Orellana : Cosmological Solutions to Polynomial Affine Gravity in the Torsion-Free Sector, in Redefining Standard Model Cosmology, edited by B. A. Robson (IntechOpen) (2018) [publisher] [arXiv:1808.05970]
  • F. Lamy, E. Gourgoulhon, T. Paumard & F. H. Vincent : Imaging a non-singular rotating black hole at the center of the Galaxy, Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, 115009 (2018) [publisher] [arXiv:1802.01635]
  • D. S. Ageev, I. Ya. Aref'eva, A. A. Golubtsova & E. Gourgoulhon : Thermalization of holographic Wilson loops in spacetimes with spatial anisotropy, Nuclear Physics B 931, 506 (2018) [publisher] [arXiv:1606.03995]
  • A. Aceña, E. López & M. Llerena : An Extreme Rotating Black Hole in New Massive Gravity Theory, Revista Politécnica 39 (1), 67 (2017) [publisher] [arXiv:1705.04359]
  • I. Ya. Aref'eva, A. A. Golubtsova & E. Gourgoulhon : Analytic black branes in Lifshitz-like backgrounds and thermalization, Journal of High Energy Physics 09(2016), 142 (2016) [publisher] [arXiv:1601.06046]
  • E. López, M. Llerena & F. Aldás : Cinemática de un Fluido Ideal en un Universo Anisótropo Axisimétrico Espacialmente Plano, Revista Politécnica 37 (1), 102 (2016) [publisher] [arXiv:1604.05162]
  • [arXiv:1409.1887]
  • C. Somé, P. Grandclément & E. Gourgoulhon : A characterization of 3+1 spacetimes via the Simon-Mars tensor, preprint arXiv:1412.6542 (2014)
  • K. A. Dennison, T. W. Baumgarte & P. J. Montero: Trumpet Slices in Kerr Spacetimes, Physical Review Letters 113, 261101 (2014) [publisher] [arXiv:1409.1887]